Wednesday 28 September 2016

How To Improve Your Grappling Techniques?

 MMA is a multi-dimensional sport that requires different gear to hone different skills. For example when you are improving on your punching skills, use boxing gloves instead of MMA gloves as they offer more protection due to their all-round padding. But when you want to improve your grappling techniques, use only MMA grappling gloves. They will help you with your ground work. The recommended weight for these type of gloves is 4-6oz. they are open fingered and much smaller in size as compared to boxing sparring gloves.

  • Earn Your Badges

Just because you regularly go to your gym, doesn’t qualify for you to progress in MMA training. This game is earning your scars. The harder you work in the gym, easier it will be to compete at the highest level. Don’t be afraid of grappling and taking a blow to your face. If you aren’t tough enough, you are in the wrong sport my friend.

  • Get a Qualified Coach

Good coaches are hard to come by, but if you are lucky enough to find one. Stick with him and work really hard. A good coach will tell you about your strengths and weaknesses, and work with you to improve your skills.

  • Work with Heavy Bag

If you don’t have a sparring partner then you can use a heavy bag to work on your clinching technique. Even though it is nothing working with a sparring partner but most of the time when you don’t have anyone around and you’re left to train on your own in the gym. In such times, make heavy bag your best friend and foe if you like. While you are working with it, you can use the spaces around it to help with your movement.

  • Get Manhandled

Find someone in the gym who can manhandle you. Don’t be afraid to take on such a challenge, put your ego behind you and spar with the best guys you can find. Keep changing your sparring partners, spar with heavier, faster and bigger guys than yourself and then spar with guys with unbound endurance and technique. This is the only way you can improve, and there is no easy way around.

  • Repeat Drills Over and Over Again

Use about half an hour every day at the end of a training session to repeat what you have learned and then when you arrive next day at the gym practice again those skills for another 30 minutes. Repeating again and again will help you improve your grappling skills.

Always remember to use quality grappling gloves for your training. 

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